LED Screens


Have You Thought About Easter Yet? Tips for Church Production Teams to Prepare

Easter is one of the most important and impactful services of the year, often drawing larger crowds of guests and a heightened sense of celebration. For church production teams, however, it’s also one of the most demanding times, requiring thoughtful preparation to ensure everything runs smoothly. If you haven’t started planning yet, don’t wait! Here are some tips to help your team prepare for an unforgettable Easter service.

avl knoxville

A Brighter Worship Experience: Helping Calvary Tabernacle Elevate Their Worship with a RubyLED Wall

At Front Porch Media, we understand that worship is more than a service—it’s an experience that fosters connection and engagement. When Calvary Tabernacle in Indianapolis, Indiana, approached us for a visual upgrade to enhance their sanctuary, we knew we could provide a solution that would elevate both their in-person and online worship experiences. Through the installation of our RubyLED wall, we helped transform their space into an immersive and impactful worship environment.

led screen installation in knoxville tn
LED Screens

Don’t Miss These 7 Essential AVL Tools for Your Portable Church Setup

In today’s fast-paced world, more churches are embracing the flexibility of portable setups. Whether you’re launching a new church plant, holding services in a temporary location, or just need the ability to set up and tear down quickly, having the right AVL (audio, video, and lighting) equipment is crucial to creating a seamless worship experience. But what exactly do you need to make your portable church feel like a permanent one? Let’s dive into the essentials.

knoxville tn church audio visual lighting
LED Screens

LED Screens vs. Projectors: Which is Better for Your Church?

Considering an upgrade to your church’s visual setup? LED screens are an option worth exploring! These versatile displays can bring a new level of engagement and professionalism to your services. But what makes them such a game-changer? Let’s dive into the top five benefits of installing LED screens in your church.

church audio system knoxville tn
LED Screens

Top 5 Benefits of Installing LED Screens in Your Church

Considering an upgrade to your church’s visual setup? LED screens are an option worth exploring! These versatile displays can bring a new level of engagement and professionalism to your services. But what makes them such a game-changer? Let’s dive into the top five benefits of installing LED screens in your church.

When it comes to our clients, we are in it for the long haul.

We take pride in developing individual relationships with our clients and finding ways to provide technical solutions, long term, rather than just meeting the need in the present.

audio visual lighting installation